Start To Finish - page 21

The Unique profile of SPEED Wire™ cooperates ideally with the SPEED Spring
Clip permitting full expression of the appliance prescription to the dentition.
A Bracket and Archwire Combination
A Precise fit for Exceptional Results...
The Truest Measure of an Appliance
is finishing. This requires the creation of an intimate fit between appliance and
archwire. The elimination of ‘play’ between archwire and appliance is the goal.
The solution lies in how well they cooperate. The uniquely shaped SPEED Wire for
finishing creates…
Designed for Precise Finishing
SPEED Wire eliminates ‘play’ through its shape and size. Purposefully
undersized and with a unique shape, SPEED Wire™ cooperates with
the SPEED Spring Clip repositioning the accompanying tooth to its
exact pre-programed location.
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