SPEED Q&A - page 38

Lectures complémentaires
Revue de littérature des études cliniques menées sur le thème des systèmes auto-ligaturants
Sélection non exhaustive d’études indépendantes référencées
pubmed publiées dans différentes revues scientifiques
Efficacité des traitements
Biju S.
Alignment efficiency of superelastic coaxial nickel-titanium vs superelastic single-stranded nickel-titanium in relieving mandibular
anterior crowding
Angle Orthodontist; 82:(4):703-708
Concept des boitiers auto-ligaturants actifs
Pandis N., et al
Changes in the stiffness of the ligating mechanism in retrieved active self-ligating brackets
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial. Orthop. 2007; 132:(6):834-837
Hanson G.H.
Superelastic Nickel Titanium Spring Clips for the SPEED Appliance
J. Clin. Orthod. 2002; 36:(9):520-523
Efficacité clinique
Berger J.L., Byloff F.K.
The Clinical Efficiency of Self-Ligated Brackets
J. Clin. Orthod. 2001; 35:(5):304-308
Shivapuja P.K., Berger J.L.
A comparative study of conventional ligation and self-ligation bracket systems.
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial. Orthop. 1994; 106:(5):472-480
Friction réduite
Berger J.L.
The influence of the SPEED bracket’s self-ligated design on force levels in tooth movement: A comparative in vitro study.
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial. Orthop. 1990; 97:(3):219-228.
Forces légères
Berger J.L., Waram T.
Force Levels of Nickel Titanium Initial Archwires
J. Clin. Orthod. 2007; 41:(5): 286-292
Berger J.L., Byloff F.K., Waram T.
Supercable and the SPEED System
J. Clin. Orthod. 1998; 32:(4):246-253
Force de collage et taux de décollements
Ewing M.
Bond Failure in Clinical Practice
Australian Orthod. J, 2009; 25:(2): 128-135
Sharma-Sayal S.K., Rossouw P.E. et al
The influence of Orthodontic Bracket Base Design on Shear Bond Strength
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial. Orthop. 2003; 124:(1):74-82.
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