SPEED Q&A - page 39

Badawi H. et al
Torque expression of self-ligating brackets
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial. Orthop. 2008; 133:(5):721-728.
Zukunftsweisende Produktionsmethoden
Bhalla N.B. et al
Assessment of slot sizes in self ligating brackets using electron microscopy
Aust Orthod J. 2012 May;26(1):38-41
Joch A. et al
Bracket slot and archwire dimensions: manufacturing precision and third order clearance
J Orthod 2010 Dec;37(4):241-9
Klinische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Blake M., Garvey M.T.
Use of SPEED Supercable with Sectional Mechanics
J. Clin. Orthod. 1998; 32:(4):227-229
Berger J.L.
Archwire Hooks for the SPEED System
J. Clin. Orthod. 1997; 31:(6):354-357
Garino F., Garino B.
Distalization of Maxillary Molars Using The SPEED System - A Clinical and Radiological Evaluation
World J Orthod. 2004; 5:(4): 317-323
Hanson G.H.
The SPEED Bracket Auxiliary Slot
J. Clin. Orthod. 1999; 33:(6):318-321
Berger J.L.
Self-Ligation in the Year 2000
J. Clin. Orthod. 2000; 34:(2):74-81
Berger J.L.
The SPEED Appliance: A 14-year update on this unique self-ligating orthodontic mechanism.
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop 1994; 105:(3):217-223
Hanson G.H.
The SPEED System: a report on the development of a new edgewise appliance.
Am. J. Orthod. 1980; 78:(3):243-265
Hanson G.H.
J.C.O. interviews Dr. G. Herbert Hanson on the SPEED bracket.
J. Clin. Orthod. 1986; 20:(3):183-189
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