SPEED Auxiliary Slot - page 13

Final Records:
This result was obtained in 2 years and 8 months and is very functional and stable, meeting the high standards of
esthetic dentistry. Immediate incisal guidance, a bi-lateral canine disclusion, and a maximum posterior intercuspation
ensures stable masticatory and TMJ function. Periodontal health was maintained throughout treatment due to the
combination of SPEED brackets, whose small footprint and “wingless” design permit easy patient access for
brushing, and the commitment of the patient to maintain good dental hygiene.
Post-retention records illustrate a straight and harmonious profile, good lip support, and a radiant smile. A stable
occlusion results from the correction of all of the components in the masticatory system.
Ceph Tracing
Treatment Utilizing the SPEED Auxiliary Slot - Class I (Non-X)
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