SPEED Auxiliary Slot - page 4

I have used the SPEED appliance since the start of my practice in 1986 because it offers many benefits. SPEED permits
me to efficiently achieve my treatment objectives through the application of comfortably light forces applied in a very
precise manner. I have successfully treated thousands of patients with SPEED over the past 23 years of practice and I
have been very satisfied with what it has enabled me to achieve.
This case is typical of those seen everyday in my practice and was not chosen as a “miracle case”. It illustrates SPEED’s
ability to correct severe crowding, severe ectopic displacement, and impacted teeth. The combination of light forces
with the miniaturized SPEED brackets permitted large dental movement in narrow bone without root resorption.
The horizontal auxiliary slot in the SPEED bracket permitted the application of parallel and simultaneous mechanics
within the same dental arch. A component of these mechanics was anchorage with large archwires which prevented
undesirable side effects caused by secondary light wire force application on the malposed teeth. The accuracy of the
bracket placement and the effectiveness of the Spring Clip has lead to a complete dental correction in all 3 orders.
Case Type:
Class I Non-Extraction
Problem List:
Bimaxillary retrusive
Upper and lower dento-alveolar retrusion
Severe arch length discrepancy on the maxilla and moderate on the mandibular arch
Impacted upper left canine and both lower canines
Severe distal ectopia of lower laterals
Lack of attached gingiva on lower central incisors
Third molars are developing and unerupted
Growth is pre-pubertal
Case Resumé:
A young lady age 11y 1m; pre-pubertal. Maxillary midline is 2mm to the left. The overjet is 1mm to 1.5mm and the
overbite is 5mm due to the lingual inclination of the upper and lower incisors and the over-eruption of the lowers.
There is a total of 3 impacted canines, one in the maxillary arch, and 2 in the mandibular. In the mandibular arch
we can see severe distal ectopia of both laterals with mesial rotation of approximately 90°. Mandibular crowding is
estimated at 4 mm, with severe distal displacement of the lower incisors. There is a cyst around the crowns of the lower
impacted canines and a risk of root resorption of the lateral.
Treatment Plan
Maxillary arch:
Create space for the canine
Dental anchorage preparation
Orthodontic traction for the upper left canine
Archform coordination
Mandibular arch:
Gingival graft on the lower central incisors
Lower arch alignment excluding the lower lateral incisors
Dental anchorage preparation
Correction of the lower lateral ectopia with an auxiliary arch
Orthodontic traction for the lower canines
Archform coordination
Comments from Dr. Bérubé
Case Presentation by: Dr. François Bérubé D.M.D. Cert. Orth. - Québec City, Canada
Treatment Utilizing the SPEED Auxiliary Slot - Class I (Non-X)
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