SPEED Auxiliary Slot - page 3

Since 1980 the .016” x .016” SPEED Auxiliary Slot has been one of the features that SPEED Users most
appreciate. The Auxiliary Slot increases SPEED’s versatility; improving clinical efficiency by facilitating a
number of clinical applications including:
•Engaging Severely Displaced Teeth
•Stabilizing Wires / Ligation
•Intrusion / Extrusion Mechanics
•Secondary Archwires
•Sectional Mechanics
•Elastic Traction
The SPEED Auxiliary Slot is commonly used for stabilization.
A “segment” of teeth (i.e. upper anteriors) can be easily “tied”
together, simply by running a wire through the auxiliary slot. This
technique provides a cosmetic, hygienic tie which will not be
disturbed by subsequent archwire changes.
Sectional Mechanics
Individual, difficult-to-access teeth, can be easily engaged using the SPEED Auxiliary Slot, as illustrated in the diagram
and clinical image below. Here a coil is used to create space, while the Supercable™ sectional wire gently moves the
lingually displaced tooth to its proper location.
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